Then is was discovered my address book they used was totally hosed. McAfee connected and found the missing messages, about 2 dozen, in the filtered e-mail. Complained to McAfee and the e-mail filter provider that my e-mail was disapearing. Asked for another copy and that too disappeared. I run another e-mail filter that gets e-mail from the POP server and I saw my receipt. I didn't realize this was happening until I made an on-line purchase. So I had a choice to make, let the Spam handler read my POP server and decide what to do, but it never marked anything AND as a consequense since it didn't have an address book to beat addresses against, move items from the POP server based on content. I do have the McAfee toolbar in TB 3.0 but it doesn't do much.

I stopped getting messages marked as but I really didn't care too much about that. All worked WELL until I upgraded to W7 圆4. I had moved from VIsta 圆4 which was installed along with the suite from my by Dell. Problem was because I couldn't LOAD in TB's address book I discovered. I had to completely disable the SPAM part of my 2009 suite as it was DELETING messages on me big time WITH NO warning yet.